Surfrider Santa Barbara
General Meeting and Mixer
Featuring Update on Hollister Ranch Access and Surf Flick
Join Surfrider Santa Barbara on Thursday, August 16th at 7pm for a thought-provoking and timely update on the Hollister Ranch access settlement. Our speaker, Marc Chytilo, is a an avid surfer and local attorney with decades of experience on Gaviota Coast preservation issues. He also happens to be representing the Gaviota Coastal Trail Alliance in this matter. But wait, theres more! We'll provide a quick update on our latest efforts to prevent plastics from entering our environment (our new Ocean Friendly Restaurants initiative), followed by a short surf flick that highlights some of that tasty El Nino swell of '16. As always, there will be pizza and refreshments. Members and non members are welcome to join for the low low price of FREE. Hope to see you there!
What: Surfrider General Meeting featuring an update on Hollister Ranch Access and showing of the surf flick El Niño's Wake
When: Thursday August 16th at 7pm
Where: Watershed Resource Center at Hendry's Beach (aka Arroyo Burro at 2981 Cliff Dr, Santa Barbara)